Inspire Happy Hour: Tuxedo #2

Inspire Happy Hour Featured Cocktail - Tuxedo #2

You have worked hard all it is time for Happy Hour!

This cocktail was first created back in the 1800s, but because of its main ingredients of gin and vermouth, it resurfaced during Prohibition. Known as the cousin of the Martini, it does give a kick. Gatsby would recommend it, so go ahead and give it a try, especially of you are a fan of martinis.

Try Making the Tuxedo #2 Yourself:

  • 3 ounces gin
  • 3 ounces dry vermouth
  • 2 Dashes Orange Bitters
  • 1 Dash Maraschino
  • 1 Dash Absinthe
  • Cherry to garnish
Tuxedo 2 Cocktail Recipe
Tuxedo 2 Cocktail Recipe

Mixing Instructions:

  1. Mix ingredients together in a shaker (except cherry garnish).
  2. Shake vigorously for 35 seconds.
  3. Strain and pour into martini glass.
  4. Add cherry garnish and serve.

Personally I am excited to give this recipe a try. Let us know what you think once you try it. Now it you really love it, feel free to share, tweet, and spread this post using the icons at the bottom of this post.

Even though I would love to sit down and have this cocktail with you, that is just not reality. But what I can do is help you brainstorm and grow your business through sound marketing strategy and digital marketing. If you would like one-on-one time with me, simply click on this link and set up a time that works for you or you can click the “Contact Us Now” button. Let me help to get the word out about your company today! Let's get started, what are you waiting for?

*Speakeasy Market Strategies does not condone underage or irresponsible drinking. Make wise choices ladies and gents!