business and pinterest

Beginning Tips on How to Use Pinterest for Business

So you have created your business Pinterest page, now what?

Below are some great tips from ClickLabs to get you started.

Pinterest Infographic

Pinterest Infographic infographic

Additional Pinterest Tips to Kick-start your Page

Import your contacts

  • Currently Pinterest no longer allows you to invite people to your page via e-mail, but you can find friends instantly by connecting your Twitter account.
  • In the meantime, you can send out an e-mail to your customers and contacts letting them know that you now have a Pinterest page. This will help stimulate some following. If you do this, it is IMPORTANT that you have spent some time building your page so when they come to see your new page, you have content for them to see. Otherwise, they will likely not follow you.

Do Your Research

  • Here is a guerrilla marketing tactic for you to seek out what your competition is doing. Take a look and see if they have a Pinterest page and if they do, take a look at who is following their page. It is likely that if those people are following that company, that they will follow your page as well, as long as you are producing relevant content.
  • Look at companies that have complimentary products/services to yours and begin following some of their followers.
  • A good example would be, you are a local gym and a complementary product would be workout clothes. Therefore if I were the gym, I would begin following local workout clothing stores, for those that wear workout clothes from a local store, likely workout within the area.

Using these tactics your business Pinterest page will be up and running in no time. If you would like some advice on growing your page more, send me an e-mail at Kersten at Speakeasy Market Strategies dot com.

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