Don't think social media has an impact? Tell that to my viral tweet!

Don't think social media has an impact?

Tell that to my tweet that went viral last night from the tornado in Broken Arrow.

As many of you know...Tulsa, OK made national news last night for the tornadoes. Oklahoma is in the spotlight now in light of the recent devastation in Moore and OKC. Tulsa is my home and when I heard of the tornado heading our way I packed up my laptop, iPad, and my dog and headed for my friend's house. At the time this was a great idea for the storms were not near her neighborhood. But as you will see from my photo, we were right near all the tornado action.

Tornado tweet goes viral
Tornado tweet goes viral

Many people do not think social media has an impact, but you can see countless examples of social media giving the inside scoop to national disasters like the OKC/Moore tornado and the Boston Marathon. Not thinking my image would take flight, I posted it on my personal account for my followers to see. Within minutes my image was being retweeted by storm chasers and I was receiving tweets and even a phone call from NYC from CNN's Anderson Cooper's 360 news show.

Tornado pic on CNN
Tornado pic on CNN

Now looking at my tweet it may not seem that it went viral, but it only takes the right people for you to see a huge impact in your social media. From the 7 and counting retweets it received, the photo was on CNN and other new stations shows and websites within the hour. My tweet was also changed many times and other people's tweets were then retweeted....creating more virality.

View of Retweets of BA Tornado
View of Retweets of BA Tornado

Now there are countless examples of virality on social media and me having my own personal story continues to prove the point that social media has IMPACT. Simply by being involved in a trending conversation on Twitter allowed me to have my image featured on national news and had people calling me from all over asking if that was my image on the news.

Here are some other places my photo showed up:

News on 6 article

News 9 article

News on 6 Image
News on 6 Image
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Screen Shot 2013-05-31 at 2.19.44 AM
92.1 the Beat using image
92.1 the Beat using image

So how can we translate my example to your business?

1. Participate

You cannot go viral if you are not in the game. If you do not have a Twitter account for your business, let alone yourself, get one.

2. Listen

In order for you to get noticed and potentially go viral, you need to tweet things that are interesting and unique. For my example I tweeted what was big news in my city and it happened to go viral because I pushed the button and it was a hot topic that people were reading in real-time via Twitter search. Know what events and what is trending in your field.

3. Act

Knowing what is going on is half of the battle. After listening to what are the hot topics that are trending and relevant to your business giving the input, act on the trend. Send a tweet, allowing you to take part in the conversation. With social media you never know, you could end up on CNN.

Just like anything viral, seeing my tweet on the news was totally unexpected, but again it would not have happened if I did not hit send on my tweet. I encourage you to being participating in Twitter for your business and listening to the trends that are relevant for your customers.

If you have read this article and need help with Twitter feel free to send me an e-mail at Kersten at Speakeasy Market Strategies dot come. I do also have social media management programs available for those that need Twitter, but would like someone to manage it for them.


Here are a few Vine videos I took prior to the funnel cloud appearance.

Twitter Vocabulary for Beginners and Aficionados

Let's be honest, Twitter lingo can be extremely confusing, especially if you're a newbie!

Below are some terms that every business on Twitter should be familiar with.

Twitter Vocabulary Basics

Twitter Handle or Hanger (as I call it at times)

This is your username. For me my "Twitter Handle" is @SpeakeasyStrat. This is the name that you have chosen to represent yourself, your company, or brand. When selecting it initially, you want to make sure that it represents what you are trying to market well. You want people to be able to easily communicate with you, so keep it simple.

Tweet aka Status Update

A status update or more commonly known as a tweet, is an update of no more than 140 characters. You can post this on your homepage or within your profile. See the images below:

On Twitter Homepage

Twitter compose tweet 2
Twitter compose tweet 2

 On Profile Page

Twitter compose tweet 1
Twitter compose tweet 1

"To Follow"

"To Follow" is an action you take on Twitter to follow another Twitter user. When you "follow" someone, you are saying you wish to follow their updates aka tweets. You can do this by clicking the "Follow" button on a users Twitter profile. Once you have followed a Twitter user, their updates will appear in your Twitter homepage so you can stay updated on that user's tweets.


A follower on Twitter is simply another Twitter user who wishes to follow your tweets.

"To Follow Back"

When you follow a user, you are finding someone you are not following to stay up to date on them, but what about those that wish to follow you. When a Twitter user is interested in staying up-to-date with you they will follow you. On your profile you can see which Twitter users are following you as well. You can click on the "Followers" number on your profile and not only see who is following you, but you have the ability to follow them back with the click of the "Follow" button.

Following back all, some, or none of your followers is a debate among marketers. Some do not want their homepage to get cluttered and others do not want to take the time to follow back people. My opinion is that if someone has taken the time to follow you, show the same courtesy. On that, do not follow back spam accounts or those that have explicit content. I like to organize my followers into lists typically....but we will get to that further down.

Twitter Stream

A Twitter stream is a list of a users tweets in real-time. For example, every time I tweet, the tweet goes into my Twitter stream and people can see my entire stream by visiting my profile page. Your homepage Twitter stream shows the tweets of people you are following in real-time.


When you see an "@" symbol before a twitter handle it means that a user is sending a public message to another Twitter users. "@" Replies do not show up in a users stream. This feature allows you to interact and have conversation with other Twitter users. If you see the "@" symbol within a tweet and not that the beginning, it means a user is wanting the message sent out to appear in their Twitter steam.

Direct Message aka DM

A direct message is a private message sent between users. A direct message can only be sent to users who are currently following you. You can DM someone by clicking the “message” link on their profile or typing D USERNAME within a status update.

Hashtag (#)

Probably one of the more confusing Twitter concepts is the hashtag, but it is the BEST resource for Twitter. A hashtag is a way Twitter tags conversations around a certain topic, event, or theme. Anyone can create a hashtag by combining the "#" symbol with a word, acronym, or phrase (with no spaces), which creates a tag within your tweet.

If you are having an event you can create a hashtag and those attending the event can include the hashtag within their tweet to show that the tweet related to the event. You can then search for the hashtag within Twitter's search options to see all the tweets about that hashtag in real-time. Here is an example from an event I attended earlier this year.

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Screen Shot 2013-05-23 at 12.43.44 PM


As you can see from my image above, there are a few tweets within my Twitter stream from other users, these are tweets that I retweeted. A retweet is when you wish to repeat something someone else has tweeted. Use this feature to use something valuable someone has said that you also wish your followers to view for every time you retweet the update shows up within your Twitter stream.

Twitter Lists

I personally feel this is the more underutilized Twitter feature, but I use it on a daily basis. Twitter lists allow you to organize the people you are following by allowing you to create up to 20 lists, and each list can include up to 500 users. You can see how I organize my

Twitter lists here.

Promoted Tweets

These are tweets that are Twitter's form of advertising, similar to Facebook's "Sponsored Stories."

For those of you that have a vast Twitter Vocabulary, take a look at the infographic below for even more in-depth vocabulary words.

The Social Marketer’s Urban Twictionary [Infographic]


For those of you still slightly confused about Twitter, feel free to send me your questions or ask them in the comment box below.

If you have read this article and need help with Twitter feel free to send me an e-mail at Kersten at Speakeasy Market Strategies dot come. I do also have social media management programs available for those that need Twitter, but would like someone to manage it for them.

Who Should Your Business be Following on Twitter?

Strategies for "Who to Follow" on Twitter

So far I have taught you whether you should be tweeting as a business and how to maximize your tweets. Now I am going to discuss who you should be following as a business.

Now when you "follow" someone on twitter, their tweets are show in your Twitter stream. Through their tweets you can learn more about your followers. It is through this insight from your followers that you are able to learn about your brand advocates and build an ever stronger loyal customer base.

Twitter 12th largest country
Twitter 12th largest country

Strategies to Find People

Initial Twitter "Who to Follow" Feature

When you first sign up for Twitter, you may have noticed a feature that suggested to you who to follow. Even after you have finished your initial Twitter set-up, you can still access this feature from your Twitter stream on the left-hand side in the widget called, "Who to Follow." You can choose people in certain categories as well and it is recommended to follow people who are experts in your field.

Follow Experts and Though Leaders

As expressed in the section above, following experts and thought leaders in your industry is vital for your Twitter following. Not only does it give you credibility that you know who are the experts in your field, but it also gives you the chance to learn more about your field. These experts will also be a valuable source of content to pull from and to retweet later.

I am a large advocate of utilizing Twitter lists as well, which is why I suggest when you follow "thought leaders," that you create a Twitter list showcasing your experts. If your Twitter following becomes extremely large, using the list of organized experts will come in handy when you want to grab quick content.

Twitter Search

Twitter Search is akin to Google Search for Twitter. It allows you to look for certain people, topics, and phrases. The results will show you people whose description match the words you entered and people who have recently tweeted with the words you searched for. This tool is fabulous to find people who are potentially tweeting about your product, service, or industry.

Follow Hashtags (#) and their Participants

You have have seen large events having a certain hashtag for events around the globe. A perfect example of this would be the Social Media Marketing Wold Conference I attended back in April. The event hashtag was #SMMW13 and when people attending the event were tweeting about the event, things people said, or observations they would type the hashtag. You can search and follow hashtags so you can see what is happening at the events in your Twitter stream.

Chances are if you are attending or are interested in a large event, that the people attending or tweeting about it have something in common with you. These are the perfect people to follow.

Follow Follower's Following

You that is slightly confusing, but look at the people you are following and see who is following them.  If you have taken the time to follow an expert or someone whose tweets you like, go ahead and see who they are following and then follow those people as well.

Extra Following Tips

Aquiring customers via twitter
Aquiring customers via twitter

Below are a few extra tips when you begin developing your follower base:

  • Don't follow too many people at once. According to @Hubspot, a best practice is to not exceed following more than 25 to 50 people per day. There is a lag time between when you follow someone and when they follow you back.
  • You do not want your Twitter ratios to be offset by you following large numbers of people at one time and having a small amount of people following back.
  • Follow those that are following you. If people have taken the time to follow you, go ahead and follow them back. This makes you seem approachable and relatable to your following.  Obviously do not follow back people who appear to be spammers.

These basic tips should get you started on "Who to Follow" on Twitter. Always think about your business strategy when you are following people on Twitter. If you are wanting to project expertise, follow the other experts and people wanting advice from the experts.

If you need any help with your social strategy and Twitter, feel free to contact me at Kersten at Speakeasy Market Strategies dot com or leave a comment below. Don't forget to tweet at me at @SpeakeasyStrat .

If you have read this article and need help setting up your new Twitter Business Account feel free to send me an e-mail at Kersten at Speakeasy Market Strategies dot come. I do also have social media management programs available for those that need Twitter, but would like someone to manage it for them.

Inspire Happy Hour Cocktail – Bee's Knees

Welcome the Weekend with a Prohibition Happy Hour Cocktail

You have worked hard all week, now it is time to let loose a bit with a Bee's Knees!

This week's Speakeasy Inspire Happy Hour drink is named after the popular 1920s phrase "Bee's Knees." Meaning, "the best," this cocktail at the time helped to mask the harsh flavor and smell of bootleg bathtub gin. Gin has significantly improved since the 20s and this cocktail is still a celebrated classic enjoyed today.

Try Making the Bee's Knees Yourself:

  • 2 ounces gin
  • 3/4 ounce fresh lemon juice
  • 3/4 ounce honey simple syrup
Prohibition Bees Knees Cocktail
Prohibition Bees Knees Cocktail

Mixing Instructions:

  1. Shake ingredients together in a shaker with cracked ice.
  2. Strain.
  3. Pour into a cocktail glass.
  4. If desired, garnish with a lemon twist.

Let us know what you think of this sweet-tart concoction in the comments below. Now if you REALLY like it, feel free to share, tweet, and pin this post using the buttons below.

I may not be able to take you out for a Bee's Knees, but I am here to help you make this amazing cocktail and to help your business. Click the “Contact Us Now” button if you would like my help to get the word out about your company. If you need help brainstorming ideas for your next promotion or project, I can help you with that. Even if you are not in Tulsa, I click here for my brainstorming services available for you to purchase to get one-on-one help from me.

*Speakeasy Market Strategies does not condone underage or irresponsible drinking. Make wise choices ladies and gents!

Inspire Happy Hour Cocktail – French 75

It's Time for Happy Hour with a French 75

Get out of the office and celebrate your hard work.

Today Speakeasy Market Strategies is featuring the French 75 cocktail.

This drink was named after an innovative piece of French artillery back in WWI by a French American pilot. He was not impressed with the potency of champagne, therefore he added the following ingredients to create the French 75. He named it this because he felt like after drinking this concoction that if felt like being on the receiving end of a French 75mm howitzer artillery piece. This cocktail is not for the light-hearted and gives a kick!

Try Making the French 75 Yourself:

  • 2 ounces gin
  • 1/2 ounce simple syrup
  • 1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice
  • 5 ounces Brut champagne
French 75 Cocktail
French 75 Cocktail

Mixing Instructions:

  1. Shake gin, simple syrup, and lemon juice together in a shaker with cracked ice.
  2. Strain.
  3. Top off mixture in glass with champagne.

Let us know what you think of the French 75. Feel free to tweet, share, and pin this post if you love the drink!

I may not be able to take you out for a French 75, but I am here to help you make this amazing cocktail and to help your business. Click the “Contact Us Now” button if you would like my help to get the word out about your company. If you need help brainstorming ideas for your next promotion or project, I can help you with that. Even if you are not in Tulsa, I click here for my brainstorming services available for you to purchase to get one-on-one help from me.

*Speakeasy Market Strategies does not condone underage or irresponsible drinking. Make wise choices ladies and gents!

Started a Twitter Account? Now Let's Maximize Your Tweets.

Starting a Twitter Account for Business is Half the Battle

If you have read my earlier post and you are here, you have decided to start a Twitter account for your business. Signing up the just the start. Anyone can follow the steps to start an account, but it is another story be able to make your tweets work for you right away. But, using Twitter effectively can be taught and learned over time.

The following infographic from Fuse Work Studio gives some great insights on how to maximize your tweets for your business and efficiently use your time and money.


twitter infographic best practices maximizing your tweets infographic

A Twitter infographic by Fusework Studios

Essentially Twitter is not a conversation...

Instead, it creates a way for your business to reach customers in a new way and increase brand awareness.

Twitter isnt a conversation

Look for my upcoming post which will show you what you should be posting as a company and how I leverage Twitter for my business and clients. Feel free to leave a comment with your input on how you want to use Twitter to grow your business.

The Marketing Dame,


If you have read this article and need help setting up your new Twitter Business Account feel free to send me an e-mail at Kersten at Speakeasy Market Strategies dot come. I do also have social media management programs available for those that need Twitter, but would like someone to manage it for them.

Inspire Happy Hour Cocktail - Southside

Enjoy Happy Hour with a Southside

It’s the end of another week and now it is time to celebrate all of your hard work. This week’s prohibition cocktail is the Southside.

The origin of this drink is a little muddy, but most say it was the drink of choice for Al Capone & his gang. Some say it came from the South Side of Chicago and created to eliminate the harsh taste of bootleg gin. Yet others profess it is from NYC's "21" Club, where it is a signature cocktail today.

Try Making the Southside Yourself:

  • 2 ounces gin
  • 1/2 ounce fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tsp granulated sugar
  • 4 or 5 fresh mint leaves
Happy Hour-Southside Cocktail
Happy Hour-Southside Cocktail

Mixing Instructions:

  1. Shake all ingredients vigorously in a cocktail shaker.
  2. Strain.
  3. Serve in chilled glass.

Let us know what you think of the Southside. Leave a comment below and tweet, share, pin it if you LOVE it.

I may not be able to take you out for that drink, but I am here to helping you make this amazing cocktail. Besides helping you make this cocktail, I can also help you if you are a struggling business owner and you want to be able to get back to what you do best.

Click the “Contact Us Now” button to get started. If you need help brainstorming ideas for your next promotion or project, I can help you with that. Even if you are not in Tulsa, I click here for my brainstorming services available for you to purchase to get one-on-one help from me.

*Speakeasy Market Strategies does not condone underage or irresponsible drinking. Make wise choices ladies and gents!

What Tulsa Car Salesmen Helped Remind Me About Marketing

Lessons on Sales from Tulsa Car Salesmen

Over the last two weeks I have been on a mad hunt here in Tulsa for a new car to replace my first love Herbie. After 10 strong years it was time to let go of my first car and beloved Volkswagen Beetle. It was during this process of searching for my new car that I was brought back to the process that I find myself in when meeting with new clients. Below are tips I was reminded of during this car shopping process that you can use when meeting with new clients:

1. Listen

Just like many of my clients, I had a problem, but had no idea what was the solution. So who did I turn to, the professionals. I'm pretty sure that I drove to almost every Tulsa Car Dealership searching for my perfect fit. One of the few salesmen I met that engaged me the most to buy was Sean Walsh aka "Shaggy" over at Jim Norton Toyota. Before he even took me onto the lot he sat me down and asked me probing questions to figure out what car would best fit me and my lifestyle. It is because of this time that he took to ask me targeted questions and listen to my responses that he was able to find a car that was essentially perfect for me. After a long day of disappointment, Shaggy was able to not only find something that I liked, but he gave me hope that I would find the car for me. There are very few salesmen that can instill hope in a customer, he is truly a rare gem of a salesman for sure.

How many times do you really sit down with your customers to figure out what services or products you have that would be best for them? So many times we push sales and products at customers that they truly do not need, nor do they want. It is that "push" marketing that many times will send customers away from you and into the hands of someone who will listen to them.

2. Gently Push Their Comfort Zone

When I first meet with clients I take the time to listen to their needs and then I go back home and make a proposal for them. Many times it is within this proposal that I enlighten clients on some areas that needs improvement within their company and propose ideas that may seem strange to them. My philosophy is that they are coming to me because they already know there is a problem and if the solution was easy they would not need me, but because of this my clients are being pushed out of the comfort zone.

When I was car hunting I came across a young salesmen (just 3 weeks on the job) who did just this with me. Jake Nicks over at Jackie Cooper Nissan was thorough in finding out my needs and after showing me a car that fit my needs he directed me towards cars that I would never have considered before. Even though I ended up not liking them, that experience helped me really narrow and target what I was looking for. Of course he would have loved to have made the sale, but it just did not work out that way for me since I knew I was picking something I had to be in love with. But because of his great service you better believe I will be sending people his direction if they are looking for Nissan cars.

3. Follow-Up is Essential

Anyone that is in any form of sales knows that follow-up is critical. You must take the time to follow-up with your prospective clients, even if you know they are not going to choose you. Why do I say that? Just because they may not buy from you that day, they may in the future or do something even better, talk about you and refer business your way. If you are defeated and choose to not follow-up because you aren't making the sale then you are losing out on the opportunity to "wow" them with your customer service.

I will say that all 3 of the gentlemen I am mentioning in this article had the tenacity to follow-up and ask if I had any questions or concerns. I visited and spoke with almost 10 salesmen and only 4 followed up with calls and a few with automated e-mails (side-note to car salesmen, follow-up with a personalized e-mail....not one did this). I will say as they followed up with me multiple times as I came down to 2 cars, I appreciated them really listening to my concerns and going above and beyond to find solutions. For Shaggy, he knew I liked the Scion xB he had shown me but that I hated the car.....knowing me, a black car would drive me insane to keep it clean. So what did he do? Shaggy listened to the colors I liked and found one that matched exactly what I liked and he ended up beating everyone on price!

4. Lighten Up

Now onto my last salesman, who is the one who ended up with the sale, Maurice Curley at Primeaux Kia. Now granted his job was a little easier since I already knew exactly what I was looking for by the time I got to him since he was the last dealership I went to. I already had the intent on test driving the Kia Soul. Now Maurice knew off the bat that I was a tech girl and he took that knowledge he gained through listening to me by tailoring my experience with him to fit my needs. Before we even started the test drive he took the time to connect my phone to the Bluetooth feature in the car so I could listen to my music for the ride. After my tunes were set he showed me not just the classic "safety" features, but the fun factors of the car.

It was this experience and with the other salesmen to remember when meeting with clients it is OK to get off topic sometimes and just have a conversation about life and the things that make us happy. All too often we get so caught up in making the most of every minute because time is money in today's world, but you gain the sale by first building rapport and a relationship with the client.

My Choice

For my clients, it is up to them whether they choose to use my services or not. Of course, not making a sale can be depressing at times, but by having a good attitude you never know if that positive response will lead to something in the future. I always remind myself to stay classy.

When I made my choice to buy the Kia Soul over the Scion xB, my Toyota man Shaggy was gracious and was not bitter about my choice, but he wished me the best, as did Jake at Nissan. As the customer I know I made the best choice for me and was not pressured into making a decision I would possibly regret. Sometimes you just have to go with your gut.

After my daunting 2 weeks of trying to make a decision and dealing with shopping around, I can say I am happy with my new car. It is my hope that my clients feel the same way when they make the choice to do business with me and they see amazing results through the work I produce for them. As always through my life experiences, I learn marketing lessons or am reminded of them in the strangest of places, like a car dealerships in Tulsa.

If you learned valuable lessons through this post and would like to see first hand how I can help you business, please send me an e-mail to Kersten at Speakeasy Market Strategies dot come, or fill out your information here.