pinterest for business

Which Social Media Platforms are Best for Your Business?

Be where your customers are in social media
Be where your customers are in social media

The biggest question I am asked from business owners is...."What social media platforms should I use for my business?" It is a great question and one that is not easily answered as not all social media platforms are created equally. As I am unable to speak to specifics, I will give a few guidelines for various platforms to assist in your social media efforts.

Just as this quote states, the key to picking a social media platform is choosing the ones that the majority of your customers are on. Some companies have the resources to be on all social media platforms, but for most businesses social media is time-consuming which is why you must pick the platforms that will give you the best reach and engagement with your customer base.

Now for social media platform overviews:


For the time being Facebook is still one of the most widely used social media platforms for businesses today. One of the things I like about Facebook is the customization control you have on Pages and this allows you to direct people to the areas of your page using 3rd applications. Since such a large majority of the population is on Facebook it is likely that your customers are on this platform. Of all the social media platforms, Facebook is the one that has the best and most strategic advertising options as well. This means if you want to invest in advertising on social media, this is the platform that will allow you to target more narrowly than the competing social platforms. So as a general rule, I normally recommend the majority of businesses to have a business page.


Twitter in my opinion is a platform that has a lot of functionality to create conversation with customers and it is far easier to gain a following on Twitter more quickly than other platforms (granted there are strategies to do this). The problem with Twitter is that this platform can feel hit or miss if you are not using it properly and do not understand how to use it...such as the use of hashtags. As a general rule I always encourage brick and mortar businesses for have a Twitter account since it is far easier for a customer to tweet at you at your location than searching for your other social media platforms. Also if you are planning on hosting events I recommend Twitter as it can be used for easily tracking conversations using hashtags.


LinkedIn is the best platform for B2B businesses. This platform features your professional self and is great to connect with other businesses. Do not expect to be pushing much B2C business, but for those of you wanting to get your foot in the door and network, it is the platform for you. The key to LinkedIn is being consistent and sharing content that is valuable and not continually self-promoting. People want to grow professionally on LinkedIn and if you add to their growth through sharing knowledge they are more likely to do business with you.


If you have a website that is very media and photo heavy, Pinterest may be for you. The main goal of Pinterest is to be a source of website traffic, which is done through "pinning" images from your website. But be careful, promoting too much of your own content and not engaging on other content on Pinterest is social etiquette faux pas. For general industries that are popular on Pinterest, simply take a look at the large search categories, such as Weddings and Food & Drink.


Nor for a platform that is even more photo friendly...we have Instagram. This platform has gained a lot of exposure lately and will continue to see growth in the years to come. This platform is becoming popular because it seems to be a quieter space as compared to platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Businesses that will see success on Instagram are those that produce quality photos. Typically businesses that are B2C tend to have better success on this platform. If you are unsure if you should engage on Instagram, think through the eyes of your customers and whether they would likely engage in photos of your business and its culture.


Vine is a relatively new platform and many brands are getting on the Vine bandwagon. In my opinion Vine is great if you have creative video concepts. If you struggle with creating lots of creative content Vine might not be for your business. This platform is a large form of entertainment so if you are going to engage, be entertaining as those are the videos that will be more likely to spread.


Now YouTube may not seem like a social platform, but it is. Honestly I wish that most businesses were on YouTube as it is a HUGE driver of SEO for your website and online traffic. YouTube is owned by Google and if done properly will get your better results than blogging alone. Most businesses think that in order to see success as a brand on YouTube that you must have professional videos, which as we all know can be extremely costly. In reality the key to YouTube is adding value to people and that is more important than spending tons of money with professional videographers. I always recommend having a few professional videos for your website, but simply using your computer camera is enough to get your point across on a daily basis.

If you would like help figuring out which social media platforms you should invest your time and energy on, email or contact me today.

If this post struck a chord with you and you are ready to increase your exposure online, then look no further. I am here to help you be able to get back to what you do best and I can handle the rest.

Click the “Contact Us Now” button to get started. If you would like a sample of the ideas we could generate to help your business, click here for a free digital marketing report, custom-made for your company. Even if you are not in Tulsa, I also do have consulting available for you to purchase to get one-on-one help from me to kick-start your next project, company, idea…the skies the limit. Click here for more info on those services.

What NOT to do on Pinterest for Business

Everyone knows the basics of Pinterest, but not many talk about what you should not do.

Below are some tips and tricks to avoid while using Pinterest for business:

Profile Picture

No Profile Picture
No Profile Picture

ALWAYS have a relevant profile picture. There are 2 camps when it comes to this topic for Pinterest. You can have a profile picture that is your logo or have one that is the "face" or principal of your company to humanize the account. This topic of discussion goes along with all other social media platforms, but for Pinterest in particular, I feel it is best to have your logo. In the other platforms you can create background images to help brand your page, but with Pinterest, you just get the profile picture, so you want to make sure that people recognize your brand. If you have multiple social media accounts, I suggest having your profile picture be the same one you use on the other accounts. This way when people visit your page, they know they are interacting with a familiar brand.


Bad Pin Ex
Bad Pin Ex

Unlike other social media platforms, Pinterest allows you to have an exceptionally long character length for your posts aka "pins." Each pin or repin can have up to 500 characters, but that does not always mean you must use all 500. According to Dan Zarrella of Hubspot, the pins that get repinned the most have a description length between 200 and 300 characters.In my opinion, I feel that you need to make your descriptions count, but you do not need to have a mini book in your descriptions either. You want people to repin and then visit your site, if you give them all the information they need within the pin description, they have no purpose to go to your site.

Good Pin Ex
Good Pin Ex

Each description you all to your pin is searchable, almost like a mini google so optimize your pins so people can easily find your content. Pinterest did at one time support hashtags aka the pound symbol (#), which is heavily used on Twitter in their descriptions for people to search, but it has recently gotten rid of supporting hashtag searches with their new update. Because of this update it is not necessary to have tons of hashtags, nor was it before in my opinion, so for future reference do not go hashtag crazy.

Accidentally Follow Spammers

Now spammers on Pinterest are tricky little devils so you need to be careful. Most people see someone is following them and then automatically follow them back. A lot of the times there are spammers on Pinterest following you, so be sure to not follow them back. Here are some things to look for:

  • Large numbers of followers and people they are following but:
    • They only have a handful of boards--most of which do not correlate together.
    • They have no description of themselves or website connected to their description.
    • Low number of actual pins.
    • Most of the spammers that have followed me fill this description, here is an example below. This particular spammer has 4,751 followers and is following 14,689.
Don't follow Spammers
Don't follow Spammers

Avoid these pitfalls and you will be well on your way to a well run business Pinterest page and a strong following, granted you take the advice from the previous Pinterest articles ;)

I may not be able to take you out for that drink, but I am here to help get your marketing on the right track. If you are business owner that feels like they are struggling in today’s digital marketing, then look no further. We are here to help you be able to get back to what you do best and we can handle the rest.

Click the “Contact Us Now” button to get started. If you would like a sample of the ideas we could generate for you, click here for a free digital marketing report, custom-made for your company. Even if you are not in Tulsa, I also do have consulting available for you to purchase to get one-on-one help from me to kick-start your next project, company, idea…the skies the limit. Click here for more info on those services.

Should You Add Pinterest to Your Social Media Strategy?

Should You Add Pinterest to Your Social Media Strategy?

One of the big questions I get asked as a social media strategist is, "Should I have a business Pinterest account?" Most clients question the ROI of Pinterest and whether it is worth their time. Below are a few keys to help you decide if being on Pinterest is right for you and your company.

Do you already have traffic coming from Pinterest?

The key benefit to companies being on Pinterest is increasing the traffic to their website. If you have appealing content that people like they will "pin" it on Pinterest. From there if the content is good and a product or service they want, people will "repin" the pin. Once your content is circulating on Pinterest, some customers may decide they would like the product or service that they pinned. When people click on the pin, they are redirected back to your website and potentially buy from your site.

It see if you should be on Pinterest, you need to look at your current website traffic. This can be done either through Google Analytics or the back-end of your website. These tools tell you where your traffic is coming from and you may already have traffic coming from Pinterest. If you see a decent amount of traffic is coming from Pinterest, then you would likely benefit from having a business account.

Do you have continuous high quality visual content?

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Screen Shot 2013-03-25 at 11.27.27 PM

The successful content on Pinterest are the pins that are visually appealing. Whether you are in a B2C industry or B2B, those that have content that is appealing and relevant will see a ROI from Pinterest. Your visual content cannot just be promotional, but the content must be items that your customers would want to share and expresses them. This content can be photography, graphic design, or even videos.  If you do have content that is visually appealing and you can continue to produce high quality content, then Pinterest may be for you.

Do you have time for Pinterest?

For the most part, all social media is labor-intensive. If you are running your own social media, you can either have a presence in all of the networks and burn yourself out or pick a few and do them well. All social media is not created equally and not all companies will see success in it; which is why it is important to understand who is using each network and pick the ones that best fits your company and customers. I always say if you cannot make the time for social media, it is best to stay out. Nothing looks worse to a customer than having a social media platform that has not been updated in months, let alone years. It is my opinion that if you do not have the time, then do not mess with it. But ifyou do not have the time, but know it is right for your customers and you answered "yes" to the 2 previous questions, then perhaps it is time to think about hiring someone to manage it for you (insert self promotion here ;).

Time to make a decision...

Pinterest is a great tool for driving traffic and creating and displaying your brand, company culture, and products. If you already have social media traffic, have strong and continuous visual content, and have time or cash to devote to this platform, then Pinterest is a good choice for your company. If you need help getting started or are looking for someone to help teach or manage your social media, take a look at my social media services. If you don't find what you are looking for, shoot me an e-mail at Kersten at Speakeasy Market

I may not be able to take you out for that drink, but I am here to help get your marketing on the right track. If you are business owner that feels like they are struggling in today’s digital marketing, then look no further. We are here to help you be able to get back to what you do best and we can handle the rest.

Click the “Contact Us Now” button to get started. If you would like a sample of the ideas we could generate for you, click here for a free digital marketing report, custom-made for your company. I also do have consulting available for you to purchase to get one-on-one help from me to kickstart your next, project, company, idea…the skies the limit. Click here for more info on those services.